Bam Case, 2 removable leadpipes

Greenhoe large bore tenor, .547 complete outfit, year of make 2012.  Has Lightweight Yellow Brass 8.5" Bell section, yellow brass tuning slide, Greenhoe valve section, open wrap, and standard weight Greenhoe .547 handslide with 2 removable leadpipes.  Single owner horn, purcahased at the factory from Greenhoe prior to Gary Greenhoe's retirement.  Has been chem cleaned, adjusted for maximum playability.  Hand slide is fantastic.  Valve section plays flawlessly.  Bell Section had a previous crease removed, lacquer on bell section has some acid blead around rim.  The lacquer on the rest of the instrument is near perfect.  This horn plays tremendous as is, but could also easily convert to a Bach Bell or similar with removable valve section.  Includes Bam Case. Mouthpiece not included.