A lot kids quit playing their instruments because they don't like carrying it to and from school. Suppose you are a kid in 5th or 6th grade. Whether you have a few blocks to walk to school or ride the bus, it can be a lot of work to carry your horn, and your backpack. Around here, to play in school band in the 5th grade, the kids arrive to school about an hour early and then catch a bus over to the middle school 2-3 days a week for their lessons and band. 

A number of years ago at a social gathering, one of my friends casually mentioned that he happened at our kids elementary school at the end the day.   He saw a kid walking out with a heavy and burdensome looking tombone case and felt bad for him.  When I was a kid in band, there weren’t any options. We played on the horn that our parents or school provided us and never gave any thought to the case. The majority, however, by high school age, usually dropped out, especially back in 60’s and 70’s. Is today any different? I don’t know. But, if you could make it easier for a kid to carry the trombone around - that is, lighter, and look a bit sleeker, why not? Many of the older horns that could work great for students today could be dressed up and made quite a bit more appealing to kids.

Protec makes a pretty nice light weight and universal trombone case. It's Under $125. We sell them and are happy to help get it to you quickly.

