Craigslist Used Musical Instrument Scam Seller Beware, of course.  Buying and selling things on Craigslist can be very convenient and also a lot of fun. We have bought and sold all sorts of stuff; bikes, speakers, auto parts, horse tack, furniture, even a ping pong table… and yes, even used trombones. It’s usually a pretty good experience, especially meeting all of the interesting people in our community. Honestly, I actually enjoy it. People that buy and sell on Craigs for the most part are bargain hunters and easy to work with, very frugal mindset. Occasionally, I’ve run across a few bad eggs, but not often. Have you ever seen or read the fraud alerts published on Craigslist? If you haven’t, it’s definitely worth a quick read. I get a lot of funny reply emails- especially from people that are ready to buy immediately. My policy is that if someone can’t talk on the phone, then we don’t do business, a very simple rule to follow. It filters out 99% of the problems in my opinion.
I got this email recently, and just couldn’t resist sharing it on the Brass Exchange blog. I hope you enjoy.
“Thanks for the prompt response, I am quite satisfied with the condition .I am also interested and I will like to make an instant purchase, so kindly end the advert on Craigslist, I do not mind adding an extra $25 for you to close the advert on craigslist so that I can be rest assured that I am the prospective buyer, I would have loved to come take a look but I am a very busy man I am very sure you understand. I will also want you to know that I will be paying via Certified Check, and it will be sent to you via courier service due to the distance. You don't need to bother about the shipment, as that has been taken care of...... So I will need you to provide me with the following information to facilitate the mailing of the check.
1. Full Name on the check
2. Address where payment will be sent to not (because my courier service does not deliver to p.o box)
3. City 4. State 5. Zip Code 6. Phone Number Once again, I will like to remind you that you will not be responsible for shipping as I will have my mover come over as soon as you have cashed the check .
Have A Nice And Rewarding Day Ahead ."